澳洲10开官网开奖: 1.5 stars🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net Thu, 06 May 2021 20:05:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https:///transitmap.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-TM_Icon.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 澳洲10开官网开奖: 1.5 stars🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net 32 32 156315645 澳洲幸运十是官网开奖吗🔸168澳洲十开奖网: Boston MBTA Commuter Rail Zones Map🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/boston-commuter-zone/ https://transitmap.net/boston-commuter-zone/#comments Wed, 20 Sep 2017 14:00:23 +0000 https://transitmap.net/boston-commuter-zone/

Submitted by alr2659, who says:

I found this map of the MBTA commuter rail zones in the Central Square T station on the red line in Cambridge. Strangely, this station does not have any commuter rail service, so I’m not sure why this was there at all.

I guess I’ll start with the obvious part: those colors are pretty hideous, and the mud-brown color used for zone 1A does a really good job making it difficult to actually see the line in that zone (which is a shame, since almost all of the system’s complexity is within this zone. Second, despite the zone borders wavering all over the place, the spacing between stations is not consistent. This is most apparent on the Lowell line – Wedgemere to West Medford is more than twice the distance from Wedgemere to Winchester Center. On the subject of inconsistent spacing, the space between station dots and their labels is inconsistent (an example of this that jumps out particularly is Wellesley Square in zone 3 on the Worcester line).

Labels in zones 1A and 1 go every direction imaginable, and the stop between Morton Street and Fairmount in zone 1 on the Readville line isn’t doesn’t even have one (and that’s not all – it doesn’t even exist yet.) And Fairmount itself – Zone 1 or Zone 2? (It’s actually in zone 1A, but I think this map predates that change.) My favorite station on this map, though, is Foxboro, in zone 6. It mentions that it is serviced for special events only, but not where trains come from to get there (Both from South Station via the Franklin line and from Providence via the Providence line). 

The geography of the coastline is very detailed; unfortunately, it doesn’t really resemble the actual Massachusetts coast, and even the parts that are recognizable aren’t in the right spots relative to the stations (Cohasset should be east of that peninsula that sticks up north). The rivers in the immediate Boston area are very detailed, but rivers elsewhere are simply omitted.

Having moved past the glaring issues, there’s not a lot of information presented on this map. For example, it would be useful to know that Amtrak connections are available at some of these stations, or some indication of service, since Framingham gets 43 trains on weekdays while Plimptonville gets 2. This map has the same problem as the rapid transit map that it is unclear which trains stop at Readville.

澳洲10开官网开奖 says:

Despite not being available anywhere on their website, I’m pretty certain that this is an actual official MBTA map, though it does seem a little weird that it’s not branded as such anywhere.

I agree with much of what has been noted above – the rainbow zones are both ostentatious and ugly, in particular – though I do note that a very similar diagram that was discussed in a Reddit thread three years ago has a label for the future Blue Hill Avenue station and draws the connecting route lines to Foxboro… so who knows what happened in the intervening years to delete them?

I agree that more information about connections would be nice, but adding frequency information is well beyond the scope of a simplistic diagram like this. Really, its only purpose is to assist with fare zone calculation, and that’s it.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating: Yet another example of a zone map being the ugly stepsister of the transit map world. One-and-a-half stars.

https://transitmap.net/boston-commuter-zone/feed/ 1 365
澳洲幸运十是官网开奖吗🔸168澳洲十开奖网: Houston METRORail In-Car Strip Map🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/houston-strip-map-2016/ https://transitmap.net/houston-strip-map-2016/#respond Fri, 21 Oct 2016 04:37:45 +0000 https://transitmap.net/houston-strip-map-2016/ Submitted by Chris Bastian, who says:

Houston light rail map (2016); one core line (red); two spurs (green/purple) with planned extensions shown.

澳洲10开官网开奖 says:

I can understand that METRO is proud of their two new lines, but at this point they’ve been open for almost a year and a half. I think we can lose the awkward “NOW OPEN” shaded boxes now and reserve that treatment solely for the future two-station extension to the Green Line. The shading is especially egregious where it overlaps the yellow “see inset” arrow… more on that inset later.

The complately vertical labels for most of the stations is also unfortunate: I can imagine everyone on the train turning their heads to the left to read them! Having one half of the labels along the Red Line sitting below the line and the other half above it – to allow room to put the METRO logo in the bottom right corner – also makes it harder to count stops along the line. The logo could move pretty easily to at the top right if the north pointer was shifted or resized, and labels set at a 45-degree angle would certainly be easier on the neck to read!

The inset! A great idea to show more detail where the all the lines intersect, but it’s very confusingly implemented. The main interchange is actually three separate platforms offset by about a city block or so. Northbound and southbound Red Line trains call at Central Station Main; westbound Green and Purple trains stop around the corner at Central Station Capitol, while eastbound Green and Purple trains use Central Station Rusk. The inset shows this arrangement fairly well, except it neglects to show the direction of travel along Capitol and Rusk streets for the Green and Purple lines! Even worse, both alignments have an arrow pointing eastbound (indicating the continuation of the lines off the edge of the inset), which makes things even more confusing. This is a really elementary thing to screw up quite so badly, and must be really, really annoying for those unfamiliar with the system.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating: A stodgy, clunky map, with a horrendously flawed piece of wayfinding in its supposedly “clarifying” detail inset. Needs a rethink. One-and-a-half stars.

https://transitmap.net/houston-strip-map-2016/feed/ 0 722
澳洲幸运十是官网开奖吗🔸168澳洲十开奖网: Miami-Dade Metrorail Map, 2016🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/miami-metrorail-2016/ https://transitmap.net/miami-metrorail-2016/#respond Thu, 13 Oct 2016 14:00:18 +0000 https://transitmap.net/miami-metrorail-2016/ Submitted by lukasmaps, who says:

I think I’m gonna hurl… Shows buses, but NOT the Metromover? Come on.

澳洲10开官网开奖 says:

Well, it at least shows the stations that you can transfer to the Metromover at (all two of them), so it’s kind of on par with the buses – no actual bus routes are shown, just a list of numbers at each station. Showing the Metromover on this map is problematic because of the disparate scales of the two systems: Metrorail has 23 stations along 24 miles of track, while the Metromover crams 21 stations into just 4.4 miles of track looping through downtown. Tricky to reconcile those, to say the least. If the map was better organised, a downtown inset could be the answer.

Like its predecessor (August 2012, 1 star), this map suffers from including an unnecessarily detailed base map: do we really need to see every marina, inlet, island, lake and river in the greater Miami area? The drab grey isn’t giving me any Florida vibes, either. The typeface used for labelling is an improvement (Interstate versus the previous Arial), but there’s a sense that everything has just been thrown on where it can fit. Redundant station/locality names don’t help this either: two “Brickell” labels right next to each other? The station names already reflect the locality (or at least they should), so I don’t see a need to double up. Some labels end up under a legend box or even under the route lines, which isn’t very helpful.

The haphazard placement of labels means that some information takes too long to find. A stylised “e” symbol denotes a station that’s served by Downtown Express trains, but that “e” is often placed far away from the station it’s meant to tied to. Why not just put the “e” symbol on the station dot? Or put a small black dot in the centre of the station dot? Information like this should always be placed consistently so that it’s easy to find.

I will say that the depiction of the airport transportation options is much better: the MIA station is really a proper transit hub now (even more so 🔸澳洲开奖 Amtrak trains start calling there in the near future), so it’s good to see it getting some love.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating: An ever-so-slight improvement on the previous iteration, so a begrudged one-and-a-half stars.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: Miami-Dade Metrorail website

https://transitmap.net/miami-metrorail-2016/feed/ 0 737
Updated 168澳洲十开奖网: Denver RTD Rail Services Map, April 2016🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/denver-airport-2016/ https://transitmap.net/denver-airport-2016/#respond Fri, 22 Apr 2016 19:49:08 +0000 https://transitmap.net/denver-airport-2016/ Denver’s rapidly-expanding rail network took another step forward today with the opening of the new commuter rail service out to Denver International Airport – the “train to the plane”, as they (a little unoriginally) call it. 

However, for those – like me! – hoping for a new map to celebrate the new service, you’re in for a disappointment, as the latest offering is just a minimally-modified version of the previous map (June 2016, 1.5 stars). Wisely, the future “N” line, which isn’t opening until 2018, has been removed from the map, but almost everything else remains the same as before, apart from two very odd changes.

Firstly, the decision have the new line named by a corporate sponsorship deal with the University of Colorado. It’s now officially the University of Colorado A Line, which is a mouthful, as well as perhaps a little bit confusing. Which line do you take to the airport? The University of Colorado line, obviously! The Denver campus is probably just close enough to Union Station to justify the name inbound from the airport, but as it’s not indicated on the map that point is probably moot. 

I’m well aware that transit agencies have to look for creative alternative sources of income, but I’m really not a big advocate for this sort of naming rights deal, especially for an entire route that has very little to do geographically with the named sponsor.

The other weird update is the switching of the concentric fare zones from numbers (Zones 1, 2 and 3) to letters (Zones A, B and C). Seeing as the route lines already use lettered designations, it would seem preferable to leave the zones as numbers to easily distinguish between the two different types of information.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating: More of the same. Still 1.5 stars.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: RTD rail network map page

https://transitmap.net/denver-airport-2016/feed/ 0 1028
168澳洲十开奖网: Mexico City Metro, Mexico, 2015🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/mexico-city-2015/ https://transitmap.net/mexico-city-2015/#comments Tue, 01 Dec 2015 15:00:33 +0000 https://transitmap.net/mexico-city-2015/ Strangely, I’ve never talked about this system map on the blog before. So this is the map that’s available for download as a PDF on the STC’s website and basically, it’s a giant pile of spaghetti thrown on the page. 

The centre of the map is so cramped and crowded that labels almost overlap each other as well as the route lines. No explanation is given for the “MB” icon near some stations (it’s to represent an interchange with nearby Metrobus services, but nothing on the map tells you that). I’ve also never seen a route line that’s two-toned, like the silver-and-green Line B, and I’m not sure I like it very much.

However, the real shame with this map is the complete absence of the famous Lance Wyman-designed icons for each of the stations. They’re utilised extensively on strip maps on trains and at stations, so it’s more than a little odd that they’re not leveraged in the map at all. More on that soon.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating: A really disappointing map, hardly representative of one of the world’s great metro systems. One-and-a-half stars.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: STC official site

https://transitmap.net/mexico-city-2015/feed/ 1 1348
Submission – 168澳洲十开奖网: DCTA A-Train Map, Denton County, Texas, 2015🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/dcta-a-train-2015/ https://transitmap.net/dcta-a-train-2015/#respond Mon, 03 Aug 2015 18:42:44 +0000 https://transitmap.net/dcta-a-train-2015/ Submitted by Kara Fischer, who says:

I think I may have a new map for y🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划Hall of Shame! Here’s the 168澳洲十开奖网 for A-Train service in Texas. That yellow line’s VERY hard to see on the pale background; there’s much more emphasis on the street grid and the lakes. And those station icons! I can’t tell what five of them are, and it’s absolutely ridiculous to only label them in the legend! Why can’t there actually be labels on the map?

Also, the Green Line connection is horribly misrepresented. It’s a light rail line that you can transfer to at Trinity Mills, but the way it’s represented here implies that it’s an extension of A-Train service. It’s an important connection – they need to get it right!

澳洲10开官网开奖 says:

Steady on there, Kara! Yes, the map has some deficiencies, but it’s no way near being “the worst of the worst” and earning a spot in my Hall of Shame. For a start, it’s generally decently drawn and utilises a nice typeface (Font Bureau’s Agenda). 

I would agree with many of y🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划points however – the A-Train’s route line could have more contrast with the background, and/or could be thickened up a bit. I’d also really like to see its route simplified as the highways and roads are. It seems weird that the roads are all gunbarrel straight, while the train line meanders about all over the place. Intentionally or not, it makes road travel look more efficient and direct than rail, which kind of defeats the purpose of the whole thing, right?

The interchange with the DART Green Line definitely needs some work. As Kara says, it looks like a future extension of the A-Train at the moment; a green arrow pointing southwards could be far more effective.

Like Kara, I’m absolutely baffled as to why the stations aren’t labelled directly on the map – having a legend for the sole purpose of providing names for them seems unnecessarily obtuse. And the low-res rasterisation of some of the icons is definitely unfortunate: probably a byproduct of some very low quality flattening/resolution settings 🔸澳洲开奖 the PDF was exported from Illustrator.

The labelling on the map could also use some work: county names cross over some roads 🔸澳洲开奖 there’s plenty of empty space for them just to the left, and Shady Shores Road’s label strangely reads from the left 🔸澳洲开奖 all the other vertical/angles labels read from the right.

Finally, there’s some strangely selective simplification of the roads: where’s the toll bridge over Lewisville Lake (a continuation of Swisher Road near the centre of the map)?

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating: Bad, but not that bad. One-and-a-half stars.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: Official DCTA website

https://transitmap.net/dcta-a-train-2015/feed/ 0 1623
168澳洲十开奖网: London Night Tube Services, 2015🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/london-night-2015/ https://transitmap.net/london-night-2015/#respond Tue, 23 Jun 2015 12:56:48 +0000 https://transitmap.net/london-night-2015/ It’s almost bizarre to think that an enormous cosmopolitan city like London doesn’t have 24-h🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rail service. Yes, there’s an extensive night bus network, but the Tube is such an integral part of the city that it seems odd that it just stops after midnight. 

However, that’s about to change on Fridays and Saturdays from September 12, as shown on this new map from Transport for London. I’ve already seen some positive commentary on it from the CityMetric site, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to completely disagree with them here.

Like many night maps, this map utilises a dark background… just in case we don’t get that it’s a night map despite the enormous title and the super obvious owl logo. However, the background is a dark blue, which leads to a bit of a problem 🔸澳洲开奖 there’s also a blue River Thames, a blue Piccadilly Line, a blue Victoria Line and a black Northern Line. Although the problem is mitigated somewhat by keylining the routes in white, it still leads to a very low contrast map where the red Central Line stands out like a sore thumb in comparison to just about everything else.

Next, it’s obvious that the starting point for this map was simply the standard Tube map, and objects were then deleted until only the night network remained. I’ve actually overlaid the two maps in Photoshop, and many elements have been changed, moved or modified, but there’s still a lot of commonality between them. This leads to the rather ridiculous situation of route lines ducking and weaving all over the place to accommodate other route lines that simply don’t exist as a part of this network. The newly introduced bumps in the Central Line – designed to accommodate new Crossrail lines on the standard map – are still there, even though there’s no Crossrail to be seen. The incredibly convoluted fare zone boundaries are still there, wiggling hypnotically across the map like a bad psychedelic trip, even though most of the stations and route lines that force the zones into that configuration aren’t on the map at all.

You might argue that this configuration gives a sense of familiarity and continuity with the standard map, but I’m not buying that. This is a different, simpler network than the daytime map has to show. It really should be completely redrawn to adhere more closely to the principles that guided Beck’s original diagrams: evenly spaced stations and an absolute minimum of changes in direction along a route. A diagram like this should show the network it represents as efficiently as possible, and shouldn’t have to accommodate parts of a completely different network that aren’t even present.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating: I’m pretty certain that H.C. Beck is turning in his grave right now. An ugly, nonsensical map that clings stubbornly to its daytime roots despite the absence of a huge portion of that map’s necessary detail and services. 1.5 stars.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: TfL’s Night Tube web page

https://transitmap.net/london-night-2015/feed/ 0 1717
澳洲幸运十是官网开奖吗🔸168澳洲十开奖网: Bucharest Metro, 2014🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/bucharest-metro-2014/ https://transitmap.net/bucharest-metro-2014/#respond Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:53:59 +0000 https://transitmap.net/bucharest-metro-2014/ Submitted by ssjmaz, who says:

M4 is under construction, M5 and M6 are future plans.

I’m planing on making a map of my own that is fully diagrammatic, will submit it 🔸澳洲开奖 it’s ready.

澳洲10开官网开奖🔸澳洲幸运10预测 says:

I look forward to seeing ssjmaz’s map, because it will almost certainly be better than this tired old thing. In this modern day and age, it absolutely baffles me that transit agencies put tiny, poorly-rendered JPGs, GIFs and PNGs of their system maps online. This one measures just 785px by 683px, and is quite difficult to read – both because of the small font size and the awful rendering of the type. PDF is nearly universal now and allows users to easily zoom in as close as they need to read the map. At least this is better than an embedded Flash map, I guess…

The map itself is pretty dire, with route lines wobbling around all over the place. The future M4, M5 and M6 lines have just been drawn in to fit around the existing map, which leads to strangely angled lines and awkward shapes almost everywhere.

Accessibility and main line interchange icons for the stations also seem to have been put wherever they can fit, while the grey and white zone background is really quite distracting. It’s also a little misleading, as it just shows districts around the city – not fare zones as one might reasonably expect on a transit map.

Some of the labels seem to have little relationship with their station marker, especially on the purple M6 line. At least most of the labels are set horizontally, although this makes the one outlier – Expoziţiei station – stand out like a sore thumb. Sub-par typography and a couple of really dull legends round out a pretty sad effort.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating:🔸澳洲幸运10预测 An absolute minimum of effort expended here. One-and-a-half stars.

Source: Official Metrorex website

https://transitmap.net/bucharest-metro-2014/feed/ 0 2418
澳洲幸运十是官网开奖吗🔸Un168澳洲十开奖网: “Hyper Japan” Directory London Underground Map🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/hyper-japan-tube/ https://transitmap.net/hyper-japan-tube/#respond Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:36:10 +0000 https://transitmap.net/hyper-japan-tube/ Submitted by chiguire, who says:

Found this London Tube map in the Hyper Japan directory magazine. Hyper Japan is some sort of convention about the country [of Japan, held in London – Cam], but I couldn’t stop staring at this map. It’s like a car wreck, it’s horrible but you just can’t stop looking 😛

澳洲10开官网开奖🔸澳洲幸运10预测 says:

This is a great example how you can use all the elements of a successful transit map and still end up with a complete mess. Obviously, the organisers of Hyper Japan didn’t want to pay a licensing fee to TfL for the actual🔸澳洲幸运10预测 Tube map, so they either made one of their own or paid someone substantially less than the licensing fee to make one for them.

The central part of the map actually looks eerily similar in shape to the real deal, with the (in)famous “thermos flask” shape described by the Circle Line remaining almost intact. However, things go rapidly downhill after that, and much of the system south of the Thames just looks horrible: the DLR and Overground suffering the worst. I’m also pretty certain that the southern part of the Northern Line is at a non-standard angle just so the legend can be squeezed in underneath it.

The square interchange symbols aren’t a patch on the superb interconnected circles of the actual Tube map, and the typography is lacklustre at best. If you need connecting lines between labels and the station they name, then you’re doing it wrong.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating:🔸澳洲幸运10预测 A poor imitation that really makes you realise how balanced and aesthetically pleasing the Tube map is by comparison, and how difficult it is to make a truly excellent transit map. One-and-a-half stars.

https://transitmap.net/hyper-japan-tube/feed/ 0 2567
🔸澳州10开奖记录: Nicholson’s Complete London Guide Bus Map, c. 1980🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/nicholsons-bus-1980/ https://transitmap.net/nicholsons-bus-1980/#respond Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:30:42 +0000 https://transitmap.net/nicholsons-bus-1980/

Unusual and potentially confusing bus map that chooses to colour-code routes by the major thoroughfare that they travel down: all Oxford Street buses are orange, all Farringdon Road buses are lime green, etc. However it’s all a bit of a mess, made more so by the strangely yellow/orange-heavy col🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划palette. Westminster Bridge is crossed by six routes; five of them are way too similar to each other (orange-brown, yellow, orange, another orange-brown and lime green). Only the dark green Victoria Street route line provides sufficient contrast with the other lines here.

The map also requires the user to have more than a passing familiarity with London bus routes, as it only lists their route number as they leave the map, not their destination. I know that Route 9 passes through Piccadilly, but where does it go after that? A travel-savvy Londoner might know, but a tourist may not.

Reminiscent of this similarly confusing central Sydney bus map from 2000, although at least the Sydney map tells you the final destination of the bus routes!

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating:🔸澳洲幸运10预测 Idiosyncratic, strange and not actually terribly useful. One-and-a-half stars.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: grepnold/Flickr

https://transitmap.net/nicholsons-bus-1980/feed/ 0 2614