澳洲10开官网开奖: Boston & Maine Railroad🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:33:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https:///transitmap.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-TM_Icon.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 澳洲10开官网开奖: Boston & Maine Railroad🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net 32 32 156315645 🔸澳州10开奖记录: Boston and Maine Railroad and Connections, 1915🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/boston-and-maine-1915/ https://transitmap.net/boston-and-maine-1915/#respond Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:40:14 +0000 https://transitmap.net/?p=12099

I🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页m loving this totally bonkers diagram of lines owned, leased or controlled by the Boston & Maine RR in 1915. An increasingly complex system of line colours combined with dashes, dots and zig-zags attempts to record all the various agreements in place for line leases and trackage rights. The B&M itself is the yellow lines to the right of the map – all the other coloured lines are lines that they have some level of control over, and the thin black lines are competitor railroads.

Production-wise, it looks like the black parts of the map have been printed onto cloth, and all the colours have been hand-painted over the top – you can see some smudges and smears in certain locations. The map also may have been amended by hand at some point: a red hatched line from Manchester to Concord has been painted over the printed matter.

Stylistically, the piece is more diagram than map with everything straightened out as much as possible, but it🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页s fairly primitive work. Still, the resemblance to modern colour-coded 澳洲10开官网开奖 is impossible to ignore!

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: Harvard Library Archives

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