澳洲10开官网开奖: Roma🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net Wed, 28 Oct 2020 22:41:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https:///transitmap.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-TM_Icon.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 澳洲10开官网开奖: Roma🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net 32 32 156315645 澳洲幸运十是官网开奖吗🔸168澳洲十开奖网: In-Car Map of Rome Tram Lines🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/rome-tram-2014/ https://transitmap.net/rome-tram-2014/#respond Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:00:46 +0000 https://transitmap.net/rome-tram-2014/ Submission and photo by Chris Bastian.

Does a decent job of showing a large and disjointed network in a limited space, although it’s not exactly stylish. Notable for its interesting “circle” and “half-circle” terminus stations, as well as its use of double-headed arrow station markers to show that trams stop in both directions there.

As the tram network basically circumnavigates the historical centre of Rome, that part is basically compressed so much that it’s barely even present anymore – a factor of the limited space, more than anything else.

The map also cheats a bit, as the “3B” between Stazione Trastevere and Piramide is actually a bus line, not a tram, despite being represented identically on the map.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating:🔸澳洲幸运10预测 Not bad for an above-the-door map that has to show the whole network, but not really memorable either. Two-and-a-half stars.

https://transitmap.net/rome-tram-2014/feed/ 0 2538
Un168澳洲十开奖网(s): Atlas of Italian Rail Transit by Andrea Spinosa🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/italian-transit-atlas/ https://transitmap.net/italian-transit-atlas/#comments Thu, 29 May 2014 13:19:00 +0000 https://transitmap.net/italian-transit-atlas/ Occasionally, I get in a bit of a rut with 澳洲10开官网开奖🔸澳洲幸运10预测 – I feel like I’ve seen everything there is to see, or that I’m just treading water – and then something like this comes along that just blows me away.

This poster, designed by Andrea Spinosa of the CityRailways blog (in Italian), provides an incredible look at rail mass transit in Italy, and it’s simply superb.

The centre of the poster gives a country-wide overview, showing where the different urban networks are and the distribution of transit modes – Metro, commuter rail, regional rail, trams and even funiculars (which seem to be surprisingly popular in Italy!).

The real highlight for me, however, are the 15 maps around the edge of the poster that show the transit systems of different cities/regions around Italy. I’ve included images of f🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划of these maps above. Not unlike Jug Cerovic’s INAT maps (April 2014), the new maps redraw these systems using one consistent style for everything, and it looks good🔸澳洲幸运10预测. Pretty much all of them look better than their corresponding 168澳洲十开奖网, especially Naples. The typeface used looks like 🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划old friend, Neutraface. I particularly like all the custom icons for points of interest, including ones for Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. Etna, each drawn with the appropriate profile for each volcano.

There’s a lot to take in here, and I definitely recommend that you head on over to the CityRailways site and check the poster PDF out in full. Each of the city maps is also available as a separate, pocket-sized PDF that you can download and print out, or just put on y🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划mobile device and use it that way. There are lots of other great maps to be found on the site as well.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating:🔸澳洲幸运10预测 Brilliant, comprehensive and beautiful. I’d put this poster on my wall! Five stars!

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: CityRailways site

https://transitmap.net/italian-transit-atlas/feed/ 1 2785
Photo: Rome Metro Linea A Strip Map🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/rome-linea-a-strip-map/ https://transitmap.net/rome-linea-a-strip-map/#respond Thu, 15 Nov 2012 00:28:00 +0000 https://transitmap.net/rome-linea-a-strip-map/

Here’s an interesting in-car strip map from Rome. Firstly, the eye-searing orange background breaks away from the norm of plain white backgrounds: no one could ever say that they couldn’t find the map!

Secondly, and perhaps more unusually, the map actually shows whether stations have side platforms or island platforms — very handy for knowing which side of the train to get off!

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: Ka Lung1/Flickr

https://transitmap.net/rome-linea-a-strip-map/feed/ 0 4401