澳洲10开官网开奖: San Francisco Bay🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net Thu, 06 May 2021 19:46:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https:///transitmap.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-TM_Icon.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 澳洲10开官网开奖: San Francisco Bay🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net 32 32 156315645 澳洲幸运十是官网开奖吗🔸168澳洲十开奖网: BART System Map, 2020🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/bart-map-2020/ https://transitmap.net/bart-map-2020/#comments Mon, 18 May 2020 17:00:00 +0000 https://transitmap.net/?p=11840 A few requests for a review of this major revision of the Bay Area🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页s BART map, so here goes…

This map is meant to be deployed 🔸澳洲开奖 service to Milpitas and Berryessa begins, so it won🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页t be seen immediately – but it🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页s good that BART is planning ahead and getting this work done ahead of time.

Generally, there🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页s a lot to like about this iteration – the stylised coastline suits the schematic treatment of the route lines far better than the old pseudo-geographic approach, for example. The Oakland Airport transfer at Coliseum is treated the same way as other transfers now, rather than the awkward way that a terminus bar butted up to the interchange circles in the previous map.

It🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页s nice to see all the other rail transit options in the Bay Area on the map (ACE and VTA light rail have been added since the last edition), although I feel that the different line thicknesses (apparently to indicate level of service) are executed a little clumsily and are perhaps unnecessary on a map of this scope. At least this revision of the map corrects an error from a previous draft that had Amtrak🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页s Capitol Corridor🔸澳洲幸运10预测 and San Joaquin🔸澳洲幸运10预测 services diverging in the wrong place.

Because of the extra spacing given to BART services down the peninsula to Millbrae, the Caltrain stations south of that point get jammed together very tightly, which isn🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页t ideal. I🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页m also not overly impressed with the blobby station markers used for these secondary services, as their size changes depending on the line thickness: at Santa Clara and Diridon, there are three different dot sizes adjacent to each other, which looks pretty haphazard.

Finally, although the new octolinear diagram looks fine, I do miss the distinctive slanted hexagonal treatment of the previous map… it was a distinctive design element that suited the layout of the network particularly well and set the BART map apart from so many other maps around the world.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划final word:🔸澳洲幸运10预测 Looking to the future with some style. The area around San Jose will probably be revisited and revised as services come online in the future. Three-and-a-half stars.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: BART website

https://transitmap.net/bart-map-2020/feed/ 1 11840
澳洲幸运十是官网开奖吗🔸Maps from the 1977 “Golden Gate Transit Guide”, showing South Marin and Larkspur Ferry Bus Services🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/south-marin-1977/ https://transitmap.net/south-marin-1977/#respond Fri, 05 Feb 2016 15:01:32 +0000 https://transitmap.net/south-marin-1977/ Submitted by Denis Agar, who says:

Check out the Marin County 澳洲10开官网开奖 on page 110 of this thesis (source below). They’re so distinct! Maybe you’ve seen them but I couldn’t NOT send you these. Vignelli much?

澳洲10开官网开奖 says:

I haven’t seen these before, Denis – and you’re right: they’re absolutely fantastic. I feel that the mid- to late-1970s was a time 🔸澳洲开奖 America actually embraced clean, modernist “European” design, especially on the West Coast. So, while I can see some Vignellian influences – “one dot, one stop” especially – I think these maps are also very much a product of the time and place they were created. I doubt that Vignelli would have appreciated the use of non-standard angles or the literal pictorial depictions of the ferries to San Francisco.

Of the two maps, I think the South Marin one is more effective: a brighter col🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划palette and a logical order to the diagram makes it a little better, in my opinion. The Larkspur map gets a little too clever with the “roundabout” device used to represent urban areas, and the Route 29 Canal line seems unnecessarily convoluted and cramped for space. I do like the representation of the Larkspur Ferry Terminal’s iconic triangular space frame roof, which was then only a year old.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating: Lovely little diagrammatic maps, very evocative of the time and place they were made. F🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划stars!

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source:The Potential of Passenger Ferries in an Urban Transit System”, a Master of Science thesis by Adrian Kopystynki, the University of British Columbia, 1977

https://transitmap.net/south-marin-1977/feed/ 0 1198
🔸澳州10开奖记录: AC Transit Route Map, 1967🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/ac-transit-1967/ https://transitmap.net/ac-transit-1967/#respond Thu, 26 Dec 2013 17:59:00 +0000 https://transitmap.net/ac-transit-1967/ Sweet illustrated map of bus routes in the East Bay, including a multitude of transbay services: I count 16 crossing the Bay Bridge to San Francisco!

As with all maps of this ilk, the fun part is finding all the little details in the illustrations that are liberally scattered throughout (My favourite is probably the sailor who is busily chatting up the cute nurse at the top centre of the map). The subtle painted texture of the mountains at the top of the map is also rather lovely.

Although quite whimsical in execution, the map actually conveys a lot of useful information as well: local, intercity and transbay services are all differentiated by colour; rush-only services are denoted by a square route box, rather than a circle. Different zones are also shown simply and efficiently by simple line across a route: the zone numbers are placed on the relevant side of that line. Effective, but not overpowering.

🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划rating:🔸澳洲幸运10预测 Lovely late 1960s design. Lots of fun to be had poring over this one. F🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划stars!

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: shanan/Flickr

https://transitmap.net/ac-transit-1967/feed/ 0 3163