澳洲10开官网开奖: urbanism🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net Wed, 29 Jun 2022 16:20:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https:///transitmap.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-TM_Icon.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 澳洲10开官网开奖: urbanism🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net 32 32 156315645 🔸澳州10开奖记录: Proposed Cincinnati Rapid Transit System with Subway, c.1912🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/cincinnati-1912/ https://transitmap.net/cincinnati-1912/#respond Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:26:47 +0000 https://transitmap.net/cincinnati-1912/ And here’s where Cincinnati’s long, troubled history with public transit began…

This map shows early route plans for a proposed rapid transit system, roughly corresponding to the modern Alternatives Analysis process. By 1917, a modification of Scheme IV as shown here was chosen and put to a public vote to procure $6 million worth of bonds for construction. The vote passed convincingly, but the United States had entered World War I just eleven days previously – and the federal government had forbidden the issuance of bonds for capital works programs.

The project was put on hold.

🔸澳洲开奖 the war ended, estimated construction costs had more than doubled. Work began, but by the time money ran out in 1927, only a short 7-mile section had been dug or graded, and no actual track had been laid. The emergence of the automobile in the intervening years contributed to the project’s final downfall. Despite attempts to restart the project in the 1930s and 1940s, it remains uncompleted.

F🔸澳洲幸运10冠军定位计划underground stations still remain in the short stretch of completed tunnel, while three at-grade stations were demolished in the 1960s 🔸澳洲开奖 Interstate 75 was constructed. In the 1950s, a water main was laid through the tunnel, simply because it was already there and obviated the need for expensive tunneling. The original bond was finally paid off in 1966 at a total price of $13,019,982.45 – a lot of money for nothing.

More recently, the tunnels were proposed to be used as an integral part of the MetroMoves🔸澳洲幸运10预测 transit plan that was convincingly voted down in 2002.

Cincinnati’s transit woes continue to this day with the drawn-out and controversial Cincinnati Streetcar project, which has finally🔸澳洲幸运10预测 started construction.

Read more about the Cincinnati Subway here.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: allensedge/Flickr

https://transitmap.net/cincinnati-1912/feed/ 0 2964
🔸澳州10开奖记录: “Future Growth and Improvement” Map for Lansing, Michigan, 1921🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/lansing-1921/ https://transitmap.net/lansing-1921/#respond Thu, 27 Feb 2014 19:58:24 +0000 https://transitmap.net/lansing-1921/ Here’s a simply beautiful map from the 1920s, showing a comprehensive proposed future plan for the city. Along with the extensive and fastidious plans for the extension of the city’s street grid (the web of red extending outwards from the core), the map also shows existing and proposed streetcars with solid and dashed thicker red lines, respectively.

The map also audaciously proposes that the main line railroads be placed onto an elevated viaduct through downtown, something that never actually happened.

Finally, I absolutely love🔸澳洲幸运10预测 the graceful hand-drawn typography on this – stunning!

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: NewCityOne/Flickr

https://transitmap.net/lansing-1921/feed/ 0 3008
🔸澳州10开奖记录: The Plan of Chicago – Proposed Arrangement of Railroad Stations, 1909🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/burnham-plan-1909/ https://transitmap.net/burnham-plan-1909/#respond Fri, 10 Jan 2014 20:08:00 +0000 https://transitmap.net/burnham-plan-1909/ A plate from the hugely influential 1909 Plan of Chicago🔸澳洲幸运10预测 (also known as “the Burnham Plan” after its primary author, the renowned architect and urban planner Daniel Burnham) showing proposed amendments and additions to the railroads of the city.

The thin red lines show main line railroads, which were going to be rerouted to two mega-stations to the south and west of the downtown area. To facilitate movement between these stations, an ambitious plan of subterranean streetcars (blue lines) and🔸澳洲幸运10预测 subway trains (dashed red lines) was proposed in addition🔸澳洲幸运10预测 to the already existing “L”. It’s hard to make out without viewing the image at its largest size on Flickr, but the “L” is shown by thin orange lines on the map.

In the end, little of this part of the plan was ever implemented. A new Chicago Union Station was finished in 1925, but no other stations were consolidated or relocated. In 1929, the South Branch of the Chicago River was rechanneled between Polk and 18th Streets to untangle railroad approaches as recommended by the plan. However, its importance as a part of this vastly influential document cannot be underestimated.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: Penn State Libraries Pictures Collection/Flickr

https://transitmap.net/burnham-plan-1909/feed/ 0 3117
Submission – Un168澳洲十开奖网: Sydney Trains Aerial Image🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/sydney-aerial/ https://transitmap.net/sydney-aerial/#respond Mon, 04 Nov 2013 23:44:22 +0000 https://transitmap.net/sydney-aerial/ Submitted by thatlattesipper.

Sydney Trains routes (complete with new “T-line” branding) for the north and west of the city overlaid on a Google Earth image.

If nothing else, this map reminds us of how staggeringly huge🔸澳洲幸运10预测 Greater Sydney really is. It’s 20 kilometres in a straight line from the dot representing Central Station at the lower left to Hornsby (just off the right of the map), and over 30km from Central to Prospect Reservoir, the large body of water just glimpsed at the centre top of the map. And this view doesn’t even show the entire southern half of the city (it’s another 20km from Central south to Waterfall) or Western Sydney from Prospect out to Emu Plains.

Some perspective: Greater Sydney has a population of around 4.6 million and an area of 12,100 square km (a population density of just 380 people per square km). The five boroughs of New York City have a population of 8.3 million in just 786 square km (or approximately 10,600 people per square km!)

https://transitmap.net/sydney-aerial/feed/ 0 3341
Updated: Aerial Photo Transit Map of Portland, Oregon – Now with Bus Routes!🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/aerial-portland-bus/ https://transitmap.net/aerial-portland-bus/#comments Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:56:57 +0000 https://transitmap.net/aerial-portland-bus/

Taylor Gibson’s aerial photo map of Portland’s rail and streetcar routes is one of the most popular posts ever on 澳洲10开官网开奖🔸澳洲幸运10预测, so I thought I’d pass on this update to it, which now shows the bus network as well. The colours used match the official TriMet system map, although Taylor hasn’t shown peak hour-only services like the 51 up through Council Crest.

What this view really shows to effect is Portland’s grid-like bus network, which you can read more about (and learn why it’s so good) on Jarrett Walker’s Human Transit🔸澳洲幸运10预测 blog.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: Submitted by Taylor to the 澳洲10开官网开奖 Facebook page

https://transitmap.net/aerial-portland-bus/feed/ 1 3483
Future Map: FutureNYCSubway by Andrew Lynch🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/future-new-york/ https://transitmap.net/future-new-york/#respond Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:33:42 +0000 https://transitmap.net/future-new-york/

An updated look at my futureNYCSubway proposal using an expanded Vignelli map.🔸澳洲幸运10预测

More excellent work from Andrew Lynch (aka vanshnookenraggen) – this time, an astoundingly well-considered analysis of future plans for the New York Subway. The resultant map is quite beautiful as well, based as it is off Massimo Vignelli’s 2008/Weekender🔸澳洲幸运10预测 revision of his classic 1970s map.

I strongly encourage you to click through to Andrew’s website and read the full rationale behind this map: this isn’t just “fantasy”, it’s a well-balanced view of the potential future of the subway in New York. You can also download a PDF of the map for personal use (sweet!).

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Source: hyperrealcartography

https://transitmap.net/future-new-york/feed/ 0 3595
Submission – Aerial Photo Transit Map of Portland, Oregon🔸AB开奖网澳洲幸运10官网网页 https://transitmap.net/aerial-portland/ https://transitmap.net/aerial-portland/#comments Tue, 13 Aug 2013 23:16:00 +0000 https://transitmap.net/aerial-portland/ Submitted to the 澳洲10开官网开奖 Facebook page by Taylor Gibson. While nowhere near as complex as the New York system featured previously, it’s still an interesting look at a successful rail transit system.

For those unfamiliar with Portland, the thicker lines (Yellow, Green, Blue and Red – shown here as pink for visual clarity, I think) are the MAX light rail, while the thinner aqua and lime green lines are the Portland Streetcar, which has recently expanded to the eastern side of the Willamette River (the top half of this photo).

Eventually, the aqua “Loop” streetcar line will cross back over to the western side of the Willamette at the extreme right of this photo via the new transit-only bridge that is currently being constructed. The bridge will also carry buses, pedestrians, cyclists and the new Orange MAX line.

🔸澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果走势图🔸Photo Source: DubbaG/Wikipedia – Creative Commons License

https://transitmap.net/aerial-portland/feed/ 2 3645