All posts tagged: questions

Q&A with Spanish Design Magazine/Blog “Yorokobu”

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For those of who you missed it, 澳洲10开官网开奖 did a quick little Q&A over the weekend with the amazing Spanish design magazine and blog, Yorokobu. (Seriously, go take a look, even if you don’t speak Spanish. Totally inspiring!) Anyway, for those of you that don’t speak Spanish (like me) and can’t/won’t use a web translation service, here’s my original answers to their questions in English. It may differ slightly to what was published because […]

Reader Question: What software do you use to make these? Are there any must-have tutorials that helped you learn the techniques used to produce these?

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Questions, Tutorials

I use Adobe Illustrator exclusively 🔸澳洲开奖 working on my maps. As a graphic designer, it’s the tool that I’m most used to and that’s most suited to the task at hand. Any vector-based illustration application would be fine, though. Lots of people who want to get into map making without the cost of an Adobe app swear by Inkscape, although I’ve never used it personally. As for tutorials, I’ve pretty much learned all I know […]